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Scaling an eCommerce Business From $88K/Month to $883K/Month in 3 Months

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Client Results Review Testimonails Kanai Gayle Kani Gayle Before and After

From $88K/Month to $883K/Month: Scaling an eCommerce Business in 3 Months with 6 Key Drivers

Here Is What You’re Going to Learn In This Case Study

1.) How we skyrocketed this brand from $88,885/month in March to a staggering $883,453/month in June!

2.) Step by instructions on setting yourself up for success so thing don't break when you scale.

3.) Ramping up Facebook Ads daily ad spend from ~$2,000 up to ~$10,000 per day in 3 months.

4.) Using AI to automate, and improve our advertising strategy.

5.) Reaching close to 25M unique users with close to 125M impressions.

6.) Making 3.32 ROAS on Facebook Ads in June after the full scaling.

Establishing a solid foundation to scaling for success: the keys to a high-performing sales funnel

The foundation of scaling any eCommerce business is a well-performing sales funnel. In fact, it can give you a significant advantage over your competitors.

But what does "well-performing" really mean? It's not just about having a high conversion rate. The key metric to focus on is revenue per session, which is calculated by multiplying the conversion rate by the average order value.

For example, let's say the cost per click to drive cold traffic to your website is $1 for both you and your competitor. If your competitor has a 4% conversion rate and an average order value of $80, their revenue per session is $3.2. But if you have a 3.5% conversion rate and an average order value of $120, your revenue per session jumps to $4.2.

In this scenario, it's clear that the latter has a significant advantage over the former. And in the case of our client, their sales funnel was already beating most of their competitors before we even got involved.

In this case study, we'll share six essential tips that helped give this client an unfair advantage. By implementing these strategies, you too can optimize your sales funnel and drive more revenue for your eCommerce business. So, let's get started!

Tip #1 - Create a landing page experience based on NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)‍

To boost your revenue per session and conversion rate, consider enhancing the landing page experience with a longer page and more in-depth explanations about the product. This is because not all visitors will be ready to buy immediately and will need to be convinced.

There are usually three elements that a proper landing page should cover: emotional, logical, and trust.

1.) Emotional: this element aims to create excitement around the product with colors, sounds, and attractive imagery. This element should be placed at the top of the landing page and is designed to appeal to around 70% of the population by targeting the "reptilian brain."

2.) Logical: this element, which should be placed in the middle of the page, is designed to appeal to the remaining 30% of the population and provides facts and logical reasons to buy the product.

3.) Trust: element, which should be placed at the end of the page, includes reviews, trust-building elements, and refund guarantees to remove risk for the consumer and address any remaining objections.

Tip #2 - Stack your emotional and logical sides of brain triggering reviews

Now that we've talked about the importance of creating an engaging landing page experience using Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques, let's dive into another key factor in boosting your Conversion Rate: reviews.

We all know that reviews serve as social proof, showing that your product is desirable and well-liked. However, many businesses tend to treat reviews as an afterthought, simply tacking them onto any available section of their website. Instead, we recommend making reviews a central part of your landing page strategy. By stacking reviews in various places on the page, you can significantly increase your Conversion Rate.

Here are some effective places to include reviews:

Title: The review in this location should aim to trigger emotions and catch the reader's attention. A great example might be: "Whenever I wear it, I get showered with compliments!"

Below ATC (Add to Cart): At this point, the potential customer is interested in the product and may be considering a purchase. However, they may still have doubts and concerns. The review in this spot should provide credibility, address common issues and concerns, and provide a satisfying resolution. For example: "I'm a [makeup] fanatic and I really love this one! It goes on smoothly and doesn't clump. Plus, I appreciate that it's animal cruelty-free."

Below ATC's in landing page: In this area, it's helpful to include organic or influencer reviews of your products. This helps to lend your brand credibility and show that your products are loved even in spaces that you don't directly control.

Bottom of the page: By now, the potential customer is likely to be interested in the sale and looking for a range of opinions about the product. Include regular reviews that are casual and honest, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of the product. Aim for a balance of around 80% good and 20% bad comments within the reviews.

Remember, the goal of reviews is to address the problems and concerns that potential customers may have during their buying and establish social proof to incentivize them to order.

Tip #3 - Estimate delivery times so people won't have to think

Imagine you've just found the perfect product and you're ready to make the purchase. The last thing you want to do is have to search for delivery information on a separate page or contact customer service. By installing an "Estimated Delivery" widget, you're eliminating that extra step for your customers and making it easier for them to complete their purchase.

This small feature can make a big difference in your conversion rate. It helps to alleviate any doubts or uncertainty about when the customer will receive their product and allows them to make a more informed decision about their purchase. Don't underestimate the power of convenience in the buying process.

Tip #4 - Overcome buying objections with guarantees

Doubts can be a deal breaker when it comes to making a purchase, but there's a way to alleviate those doubts and increase conversions. By stacking your guarantees, you can give potential customers the reassurance they need to go through with their purchase.

The typical guarantees include a money-back guarantee or an extended return policy of 30-60 days. By including these guarantees in a visible location, preferably near the buy button, you can make it seem foolish not to try out the product since there is nothing to lose.

Additionally, including a human touch, such as a support email, can go a long way in addressing any final concerns. As a rule of thumb, it's also helpful to include a big guarantee stack at the bottom of the page as extra insurance to alleviate any remaining doubts.

Tip #5 - Don't let your potential customers slip away!

Have you ever been browsing a website, considering purchasing a product, but then gotten sidetracked and ended up forgetting about it altogether?

It's a common problem, but it's one that can be easily solved with a sticky Add to Cart (ATC) button. A sticky ATC button is a small, unobtrusive button that stays at the bottom of the screen as you scroll, allowing you to add the product to your cart with just one click.

Not only is it convenient for potential customers, but it can also significantly increase your conversion rate. On average, adding a sticky ATC button can boost your conversion rate by 15-25%.

And if you have multiple products to offer, you can program the button to take customers to a display selector with all of their options.

Ramping up Facebook Ads – What It Takes to Get to Wildly Profitable $10k Daily Ad Spend Days?

In the past, it was common to have complicated setups with hundreds of manually arranged ads and campaigns. Now, Facebook's artificial intelligence has greatly improved, allowing for more effective targeting of ads to users. Every time you interact with a website that has a Facebook widget, you send Facebook information it can use to more effectively target you based on your browsing behavior.

At In-House Advertiser, we use AI combined with Facebook's AI to automatically optimize ads around the clock. This has helped us tremendously in getting our clients the best possible results on the market. To make the most of this, we recommend selecting very broad audiences, such as 10% Look-Alikes and interest groups with over 50 million people, and letting Facebook's algorithms optimize the campaigns. However, it is important to have data on at least 1000 purchases before scaling in this way, as Facebook needs this information to find new people to show your ads to.

It is also important to rotate through various creatives and sales angles to avoid ad fatigue among the 99% of your target audience who are not likely to be potential customers. By cycling through different options, you can keep your ads fresh and avoid annoying your audience with repetitive content. Overall, the combination of our agency's AI and Facebook's AI has proven to be a powerful tool for optimizing ad campaigns and getting the best results for our clients.

So, What's the Trick to Scaling Your eCommerce Business On a Grand Scale?

To scale an eCommerce store from $88K per month to $883K per month in just three months, it is important to do your homework before the hyper-scaling phase. This includes:

  • Having a solid landing page and sales funnel
  • A variety of creatives
  • A clear strategy for dealing with increased sales
  • A plan for hiring additional staff
  • Strong performance media buying skills to give you an edge over competitors

All of these factors are important for success, and it can take a long time to figure them out on your own. If you are already making at least $50K per month, you can book a free 30-minute discovery call with us to discuss the potential of your business and determine a plan for growth by clicking the button below.

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